Friday 16 October 2015

Information Has Value

Image result for copyrightsIn this frame we looked at different issues regarding the ethical and fair use of information. We learned about fundamental principles of information ethics and how information ethics relate to intellectual property and copy right.

This lesson helped me to know the difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement. I was also introduced to a concept of fair dealing which deals with the author's moral rights. 

The right to privacy which is challenging in an online environment was also highlighted.I got to know that my searching habits are tracked and an online profile is being created. The following article confirmed what was discussed in class:

The following dimensions of information value were discussed:
as a commodity
as means of education
as means to influence, and
as means of negotiating & understanding the world.
We were also introduced to Creative Commons, a platform which was developed to allow people to share and  control. Through a group activity we learned how to search for, evaluate and use Creative Commons licensed content.
File:Sharing creative works IMG-01.png

 The Information Literacy course was an eye opener, although I am doing information literacy training on a daily basis as a librarian, I did this in an unstructured manner. Through this course I also got to understand different learning theories, knowledge practises and dispositions. 

My understanding of the Information literacy framework will enable me to design information literacy programmes that are student.