Saturday 25 July 2015

Learning theories

The lesson was very informative, for me it went beyond the 'train the trainer' concept but provided me with a chance to think how do i learn. I categorised myself under   cognitive and constructive theories.

I tend to analyse new information before I can accept it. I also struggle to commit to something that i do not understand. So the cognitive theory appealed to me as i finally understood how i learn.

I identified with the constructive theory, I believe in being an active participant in learning. The department of educational in South Africa opted for this theory in order to ensure that learners are taught a variety of skills that are needed to succeed in life , hence the Outcome Based Education system (OBE).

Saturday 18 July 2015

Information Literacy is crucial in nation building and social cohesion

In a developing country like South Africa where millions of people live below poverty line, to only provide access to information will not be enough. We need to build a knowledge society where ordinary citizens will be able to use information to improve their lives.

The article on the following link explains clearly that information literacy  will play a huge role in eradicating poverty in our country.